Freedom Fries: And Other Stupidity We'll Have to Explain to Our Grandchildren
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By Mekado Murphy -- Video Business, 11/20/2006
Director Christman rips a page out of the Michael Moore documentary handbook with this didactic offering about the ways many Americans equate patriotism with consumerism. The movie mixes footage of America's leaders with TV ads, news pieces and stats to criticize what it sees as misguided attempts to fight terrorism through consumption. It skewers the buying of China-made American flags to attach to cars after Sept. 11, 2001, and the changing of "French fries" to "freedom fries" in response to French opposition to the Iraq war. One segment follows "Stop Shopping" evangelist Reverend Billy, as he holds revivals in front of a Wal-Mart and Starbucks to persuade people to stop spending money at mammoth corporations and fuel their earnings back into their communities. Freedom Fries will appeal most to fans of such culture-criticizing docs as Super Size Me and Bowling for Columbine. But ultimately, this movie preaches too much to the choir. It has valuable ideas to explore, but the film's narrator spends more time talking down to his audience than seeking to engage them in further dialog.
Color, NR (nothing offensive), 51 min., DVD $14.95DVD: no extras
Available now
First Run: DVD premiere
Director: Carl Christman