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Blu-ray backers launch promotional campaign

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Sony sells 1 millionth disc on format

By Susanne Ault -- Video Business, 10/29/2007

OCT. 29 | Consumer electronics manufacturers and studios that back the Blu-ray Disc format have kicked off a new educational effort with the tagline “I do Blu.”

The branding effort broke with a TV spot Sunday during the final game of the World Series. In the spot, a generically branded HDTV and Blu-ray player hold hands by way of their electrical cords. Film clips from such popular franchises as Spider-Man and Harry Potter also were shown.

The ad is expected to also translate to print.

Studio sources pegged the campaign's media value at about $30 million.

Blu-ray backers want the ads to emphasize the marriage of Blu-ray and HDTV.

“Some people believe you can plug a DVD player into a high-def TV and that’s the best you can get,” said Dan Silverberg, VP of HD media development for Warner Home Video. The ads, he said, “marry the concept of Blu-ray discs and TV.”

Select studios and electronics manufacturers are “funding this incremental education,” said Silverberg, who was networking at the Blu-ray Festival press event hosted by the Blu-ray Disc Assn., 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment and Panasonic in Los Angeles Monday and Tuesday.

The goal behind the fest is educational, aiming to boost consumer and trade media attendees’ knowledge of the format.

During a Blu-ray Disc Assn. presentation, Andy Parsons, Pioneer senior VP of product planning, reiterated the format’s sales dominance over HD DVD.

Through September, Blu-ray sold 3 million software units, outselling rival HD DVD by a two-to-one ratio, he said.

In fact, SPHE sold its 1 millionth Blu-ray disc last week, with its release of Surf’s Up.

Sony will bow Spider-Man 3, sure to be its biggest Blu-ray release to date, on Tuesday.

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