The Jungle Book 2: Special Edition
By Mayna Bergmann -- Video Business, 5/19/2008
DISNEYStreet: June 17
Prebook: now
> Limited availability and familiar characters will spur this sequel, despite only one new extra.
Disney is releasing this special edition to its 2003 animated sequel with only one new feature: the game Mowgli’s Story Time Adventure. The movie itself offers John Goodman back as the voice of lovable Baloo. Newcomers Phil Collins and John Rhys-Davies also add their voices to the adventure, along with Haley Joel Osment as main character Mowgli. Plus, there’s the usual Disney mix of toe-tapping songs, interesting animal characters and a plot about good vs. evil.
Shelf Talk: Out of the Disney vault comes a special edition of The Jungle Book 2. But as consumers know, they better snatch it up now before it goes right back into the vault, making purchase impossible except through third-party sellers on sites such as eBay. True collectors will not be impressed by the new offering, so parents wanting to introduce their kids to Mowgli will be the primary audience.
Animation, color, G (nothing offensive), 72 min., DVD $29.99Extras: games, documentary, song selection, music videos, deleted scenes
Director: Steve Trenbirth
First Run: W, Feb. 2003, $47 mil.