Kill Bill Vols. 1 and 2 Blu-ray
By Samantha Clark -- Video Business, 9/1/2008
DISNEYStreet: Sept. 9
Prebook: now
> Tarantino’s cult favorite looks sharp but preserves stylish grain on Blu-ray.
The punches sound thick and heavy in the Blu-ray version of Quentin Tarantino’s two-part homage to comic-styled action movies. The picture quality looks sharp, with great color saturation, but unsavvy viewers might be disappointed by the amount of grain. But that is Tarantino’s deliberate style for the film, not from any lack of proper high-definition mastering. Fans will enjoy the different menus on part one and part two—a take-off of Uma Thurman’s yellow and black suit for the first and an old-time stage for the second—although, as per usual for Disney’s Blu-ray releases, the pop-up menu takes up most of the screen, relegating the movie to a tiny square.
Shelf Talk: Tarantino still has a solid fan base, many of whom are early adopters and will be looking forward to seeing one of the director’s most recent movies in high-definition. They might be disappointed, however, that the extras, shown in standard-definition, are exactly the same as on the DVD, which is most likely already on their shelves.
Action, color and B&W, R (strong violence, language, sexual content), 111 min./136 min., BD $34.99 each, reviewed on a PlayStation 3 with 118-inch Carada screen, Sony VW60 projector and HDMI connectionExtras: featurettes, musical performances, deleted scene
Director: Quentin Tarantino
First Run: W, Oct. 2003, $70.1 mil.