Sony wants it both ways
FROM B&C: Consumer electronics giant pushes both Blu-ray and high-def movie delivery online
By Glen Dickson of Broadcasting & Cable -- Video Business, 12/1/2008
DEC. 1 | FROM B&C: As it enters a holiday selling season that could prove crucial to the long-term viability of its Blu-ray high-definition optical disc format, consumer electronics giant Sony is also continuing to look for new ways to use the Internet to bring content to Sony HDTV sets.
At a press briefing in New York last month, Sony executives admitted that Blu-ray sales have lagged behind their own projections, but said they expected significant growth for the format during this holiday buying period despite a weak economy that has seen retail giant Circuit City file for bankruptcy. Sony Electronics President and COO Stan Glasgow said that the current $299 price for Blu-ray players—an item that initially debuted for $1,000—is proving attractive to consumers, as are bundles of Blu-ray players and Sony HDTV sets.
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