VOD goes super-size
FROM MULTICHANNEL NEWS: Startup funded by Comcast, Arris rolls network video switch
By Todd Spangler of Multichannel News -- Video Business, 3/2/2009
MARCH 2 | FROM MULTICHANNEL NEWS: Video-on-demand startup Verivue — whose investors include Comcast and Arris — wants to feed Americans' apparently insatiable appetite to watch TV everywhere.
The company this week is planning to launch a “network-centric” system it is claiming will be a far more efficient and scalable VOD platform than other on-demand servers in the market. Verivue also is touting the Media Distribution Switch (MDX) 9200 as the very first video-delivery system designed from the ground up to deliver content anywhere, including on the Internet, on any device.
“At the end of the day, we know people will be just be watching more and more video, at higher quality, in more places,” said Verivue vice president of marketing Tom Rosenstein. “Existing VOD architectures are going to start running into limitations.”
Read the full story on Multichannel News.