GameFly to test rental kiosks at universities
Games priced between $1.99 and $2.49 a day
By Danny King -- Video Business, 3/12/2009
MARCH 12 | GameFly, which rents videogames to subscribers via mail, is testing rental kiosks at universities around the country.
The Los Angeles-based company has started its so-called G-Box pilot program, though GameFly hasn't disclosed how many kiosks it's using for the test.
Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation 3 games are priced at $2.49 a day, while Sony PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii titles are priced at $1.99 a day.
The program marks GameFly's first foray into on-site rentals. The closely held company, which was founded in 2002, offers four by mail subscription plans ranging from $15.95 to $36.95 a month.