CinemaNow offers mobile phone services
By Jennifer Netherby -- Video Business, 4/30/2008
APRIL 30 | CinemaNow is going mobile. The movie download company has partnered with uVuMobile for a mobile version of CinemaNow’s service that will allow customers to watch movie trailers and order full-length films through their phones.
Users with Internet-enabled mobile phones will be able to access the new features through They can watch a trailer on their phone or buy a digital movie that will be downloaded to a PC, digital TV set, portable media player, set-top box or other CinemaNow Media Manager-enabled device.
The company expects to eventually add full-length movie downloads directly to mobile phones.
UVuMobile’s Media Distribution Platform allows content owners to deliver content to mobile phone users across various phone carriers and mobile phone devices.
“As Internet-enabled phones rise in popularity, companies need to keep pace with innovation, offering solutions which leverage that feature,” CinemaNow president and chief operating officer David Cook said. “This partnership with uVuMobile has helped CinemaNow pioneer another first-to-market digital distribution method that we expect will make a tremendous difference in the industry by giving customers access to movies anytime, anywhere.”
The move is the latest by CinemaNow to broaden its availability. Earlier this month, the company partnered with Technicolor to provide its content and digital services to other retailers, allowing them to easily get into digital downloads.