Toshiba Forecasts $665.5M HD DVD Loss
By Steve Smith -- TWICE, 3/19/2008 8:11:00 AM
That is lower than some published reports from anonymous sources saying the loss from HD
In other CE-related categories Toshiba is projecting an operating loss for LCD at $122.8 million for the 2007 fiscal year, up from the previous forecast of $81.9 million and almost double the actual loss for fiscal year 2006 of $66.6 million.
In digital products, operating income for fiscal year 2007 is $133.1 million, higher than the previous estimate of $102.4 million but lower than $161.8 million in 2006.
Corporately across all of its businesses Toshiba has issued a revised net income forecast of $1.28 billion for the fiscal year, down 30.6 percent from its