Revolver launches U.S. home entertainment distribution
PHYSICAL: Robsessed, Star Wreck capitalize on high-profile Q4 releases
By Marcy Magiera -- Video Business, 9/25/2009
SEPT. 25 | PHYSICAL: Revolver Entertainment is launching home entertainment distribution in the U.S. with two titles tied to high-profile fourth-quarter properties.
On Nov. 10, Revolver, a large indie film distributor in the U.K., will release documentary Robsessed: Inside the Life of Robert Pattinson and sci-fi comedy Star Wreck (both prebook Oct. 13). The label is self-distributing the titles as part of a plan to release at least one title per month.
Revolver executive VP Sebastian Marciano said that the company is known in the U.K. for its creative marketing, which it intends to apply to its first two U.S. titles.
The titles are timed to capitalize on the release of high-profile properties: Summit Entertainment’s Nov. 20 theatrical release of New Moon, in the case of Robsessed, and for Star Wreck, Paramount Home Entertainment’s Nov. 17 DVD and Blu-ray release of Star Trek.
Marciano said the titles will be supported by print and online promotions, focusing on teen magazines and for Robsessed and sci-fi magazines and Star Trek communities online for Star Wreck.
“We’re well aware of how tough the market is, but ultimately our strategy is simple in that we want to be in control of our own destiny and that requires self-distribution,” Marciano said. “Nobody else knows our titles as well as we do, and as such, we’re best placed to deal direct with the retailers and work closely with them to ensure our marketing delivers solid footfall of customers into their stores.”
Future Revolver titles include Destricted, a collection of seven short, sexual films by directors including Larry Clark (Kids), in February; surf documentary Waveriders, featuring champ Kelly Slater, in March; and horror film Salvage in April.
Its first four titles, including Gumball 3000 Miles, were quietly released through Image Entertainment earlier this year.