Color, R (mature themes, language, sexual situations, violence), 96 min., PPV: 90 days, DVD $19.95, VHS rental
DVD: no extras
Street: Aug. 31; Prebook: Aug. 10 (DVD July 27)
First Run: Video Premiere
Cast: James Marsden (X-Men), Scott Speedman (Underworld),
Sofia Vergara (Big Trouble),
Scott Roman
Director: Tony Piccirillo
Story Line: Tom (Speedman) lures Dan (Marsden) to his apartment where he takes him prisoner. It turns out that after a one-night stand five years ago, Dan gave Tom HIV, which resulted in the death of his wife, but Dan isn't so sure.
Bottom Line: This two-person drama, based on Piccirillo's stage play, has enough suspense to be considered a thriller, largely from the fear of what Tom will do to the bound and gagged Dan to make him pay for his deed. The two young actors play their characters to the hilt without going over the top, particularly Speedman, whose huge Matthew Modine-like grin betrays a sinister heart. Piccirillo sensibly gets his major points in during high-energy arguments instead of grandiose speeches, although there is a bit of pace-killing melodrama in the final minutes. But his larger point about safe sex is made in abundance without seeming preachy, and that approach will keep viewers watching until the bitter end. 24th Day (the title refers to the length of time that Tom has known he's HIV positive) isn't an "important" AIDS message movie like Angels in America, but it does convey a moral that bears repeating. --Buzz McClain