Regular Guys


Color, NR (mature themes, language, brief nudity), 102 min., VHS $39.99, DVD $24.99, German with English subtitles

DVD: no extras

Street: Sept. 2, Prebook: now

First Run: L, May 1996, $$1 mil.

Cast: Christoph Ohrt, Carin Teitze, Tim Bergmann, Oliver Stokowski

Director: Rolf Silber


Story Line: Macho cop Christoph (Ohrt) gets blind drunk after being thrown out of the house by his fiancee and wakes up in the arms of a naked man--Edgar (Bergmann), a gay auto mechanic. Confused and nervous, but homeless, he accepts Edgar's offer to become his roommate.

Bottom Line: This low-key but witty German comedy will tickle the fancies of gay viewers and likely entertain the open-minded straight ones who give it a chance. At first, the movie seems to dwell on the question that's paramount in Christoph's mind: Did he or didn't he? Later on, however, Regular Guys becomes more complex, especially when Christoph's fellow cops begin to gossip. In the later reels, what started out as a breezy comedy of errors becomes a more thoughtful--but no less amusing--exploration of our various notions about sexuality. Clever and fast-paced, this unpretentious little import will do extremely well with niche audiences. --Ed Hulse

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