Revolution OS


Color, NR, 85 min., DVD (two discs) $29.99

DVD: director's commentary, interviews, music video, music-only track

Street: Sept. 16, Prebook: Aug. 12

First Run: L, Feb. 2002, $$1 mil.

Cast: Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman, Eric Raymond, Bruce Perens

Director: J.T.S. Moore


Watching this earnest but unintentionally humorous documentary is like returning to the '60s, when dorky, long-haired rebels trumpeted their disdain for "the system" and, in some cases, locked themselves into lifelong struggles with the Man. Moore's film has similar protagonists: dorky, long-haired rebels locked in combat with Silicon Valley's equivalent of the Man, Microsoft's Bill Gates. Our heroes rather obtusely explain their opposition to Gates' notion of "proprietary software." These hackers are all for free and open access to system software, and the movie presents their point of view with all the subtlety of a swift kick in the head. To fully enjoy Revolution OS, viewers will need at least a passing familiarity with the concept of open-source software, not to mention a profound distaste for Gates, who comes off as the nastiest guy in America. Moore's style is a cross between Errol Morris and Michael Moore, and to the extent that your patrons share the down-with-greedy-capitalists mindset espoused by Revolution's leading lights, this DVD will get by handily. --Ed Hulse

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