Action, Rating TBA, $49.99
Available May 15
Gameplay: After seeing The Matrix, the first thought that popped into most gamers' minds was, "Wow, I wish I could do that." Enter the Matrix, written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski, the co-directors of the film, makes that dream come true. Taking on the role of hardened pilot Niobe (voiced by Jada Pinkett Smith, who appears in The Matrix Reloaded sequel, also in theaters May 15) or martial arts expert Ghost (Anthony Wong), you'll be tossed into the kung-fu chaos of the virtual world that has become a cinematic icon since The Matrix debuted in 1999. Thousands of flips, kicks, punches and twists are accessible through the deep combat system, allowing even the most inexperienced player to look cool while mashing buttons. From the film's trademark "bullet-time" slow-motion effect to insane gravity-defying maneuvers, it's all here. The Wachowski brothers even wrote a 200-page-plus screenplay and shot more than an hour of live-action footage with all of the trilogy's actors (including Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss) exclusively for the game. As a result, the story line in Matrix Reloaded ties directly into the events of Enter the Matrix--and vice versa. For example, the much-talked-about freeway chase sequence in the movie actually begins in the game, transitioning to what you'll see on the big screen. Players will also be treated to flying missions (in which you must evade pursuing sentinels), driving and hacking. Enter the Matrix is convergence at its best.
Bottom Line: Just like the massive marketing campaigns of Reloaded and Revolutions, the game is also high-profile. Aside from hosting a huge Hollywood premiere party, Atari has purchased tons of TV, radio, print, and online ads to launch Enter the Matrix with style. --Jon M. Gibson