X-Men: Next Dimension

PS2, Xbox, GameCube

Fighting, T, $49.99

Available Oct. 15


Gameplay: Players enter the ring with 24 of Marvel's most classic characters--friend or foe. Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Juggernaut, Mystique--they're all here. Nearly two dozen massive battlegrounds help tremendously to recreate the epic fights waged in the comic book series every month. A story mode adds to the overall package, too, presented as striking CG sequences after each brawl.

Bottom Line: The X-Men franchise continues to grow. With the holidays approaching, Marvel is overhauling the distribution of comics on newsstands, and a big-screen sequel will hit next summer. That's huge brand awareness, so expect Next Dimension to have a steady flow of rentals far into 2003. --Jon M. Gibson

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