Zalman King's Women of the Night

Color, R (mature themes, sexual situations, nudity, language, violence), 97 min., PPV 90 days, VHS rental price, DVD $24.95
Street: Feb. 13, Prebook: Jan. 23
Cast: Shawnee Free Jones (L.A. Confidential), Seymour Cassel (Indecent Proposal), Sally Kellerman (The Player), James Farentino (Bulletproof), Jacqueline Lovell (Lolita 2000), Sandra Taylor (Exit to Eden)
Director: Zalman King

Story Line: Samantha (Jones) is a blind pirate radio disc jockey who broadcasts an endless night of sensuous messages that tell the erotic tales of three different women--a lawyer (Lovell), a comedian (Taylor) and an heiress (Kato).

Bottom Line: King (Red Shoe Diaries, Delta of Venus), never one to deny himself any amount of self-indulgence, goes for the creation of a mood rather than a linear story with this montage of quasi-erotic images connected by little more than a sexy, soft-jazz score. A story struggles to the surface--Jones is trying to upset her gangster father (Farentino)--but the cryptic bits of plot that emerge are not very intriguing, and the brief hit of action in the last reel is edited confusingly. Women of the Night should only be recommended to fans of erotic auteur King and the oft-nude titular women, a trio of video vixens that includes former Penthouse Pet Taylor. Get the word out quickly, because this one's bound to be a late-night-cable staple come the spring. --Buzz McClain
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