OPINION: No surrender
A lot of people are feeling that way toward HD DVD these days. Since Warner Bros.’ surprise move on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show to drop HD DVD and embrace Blu-ray exclusively, people anxious for an end to the format uncertainty have been declaring the battle over and all but demanding HD DVD quit the field.
A format should know when it has lost a format war.
Read the full column at ContentAgenda.com.
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Submitted by: | Arnold Darrow 2/7/2008 9:30:13 AM PT |
Location: | Los Angeles, CA |
Occupation: | Customer Relations |
The forces behind HD-DVD and its many thousands of dedicated, loyal fans will never "know when they're conquered" because they will never ALLOW themselves to be conquered. They are absolutely convinced that HD-DVD is the BETTER format because not only do they get the SAME high picture and sound quality as Blu-Ray at HALF the price, but they get ALL the interactive features the format is capable of, while all present stand-alone Blu-Ray players on the market are NOT capable of the upcoming 2.0 standard, which should have been available from DAY 1, and are for all practical purposes OBSOLETE! You can't win a war with "inferior weapons"!
Submitted by: | Anon Smith 2/4/2008 6:08:10 AM PT |
Location: | orlando, fl |
Occupation: | blogger |
Note that if Gladiator gets released, it will be on the HD DVD format currently (Dreamworks is exclusive).
Submitted by: | Cliff Williams 2/3/2008 10:35:26 AM PT |
Location: | Vancouver Canada |
Occupation: | critic |
It seems to me that some writers onthe subject seem to want this illy "war" to continue indefinitely, as it will give them something to write about. HDDVD is dying fast. Why spend another $150 on another machine if my DDVD`s are upgraded on a Blu-ray machine as well. Considering the lack of studio support, that would leave me with a handful of titles i would want on HDDVD, and according to Toshiba upconverting is almost as good as HD. Besides we have no guarantee where studio support will be in say six months, or so. We don`t really even know if HDDVD will be around by then. Maybe they are just trying to move old stock. They have really said nothing about 4th gen models or anything else. The response of both Paramount and Universal has been tepid at best, with Universal even screwing up the HDDVD release of American Gangster, only theatrical cut in HD. To me and i`m just a regular Joe consumer it just appears they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
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