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Submitted by: Peter Busch  
9/8/2006 3:12:53 PM PT
Location:St Clair Entertainment
Occupation:VP General Manager

The practice of "retailer exclusives" is unhealthy for the entire industry. Having played the game at retail, there is a constant sense of "one up man's ship".

Content is king and no retailer should be given exclisive content- period.....If the studios have real "bonus material" let them bring an additional version to the market for all to enjoy..

The playing field must be leveled or the studios will have only handful of customers at the end of the day. Something I doubt they would want, and their demands will be unstoppable. Imagine the scenerio if big box retailer "A" demanded exclusive content and issued an ultimatium no exclusive, no purchase order. Currently it appears the retailer is winning at this game of chicken.

At the end of the day, retailers can demand all the exclusives they want, but it is ultimately the studios allowing this fire to continue to be fed. (Something they will come to regret over time.)

Imagine if a theater chain demanded exclsive bonus content to get people in their seats. Does anyone believe the Hollywood would allow this to happen? Why then is it happening in Home Video? Studios:Take note........ "level the playing field"
Submitted by: Cynthia Boris  
9/8/2006 3:06:31 PM PT
Location:Orange County, CA

Very interesting article. Supernatural fans willingly paid Best Buy's higher price this week just to get the exclusive Paley Festival bonus disc. This annoyed man fans who didn't understand that this disc wasn't available anywhere else. It's a great bonus - one of the best I've seen in awhile but when it comes to consumer feelings over the bigger bottom line -you know who's going to win every time.