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Submitted by: Susanne Ault (
10/3/2006 10:08:59 AM PT

If you are still interested in picking up the Teddy Geiger Dual Disc, I found it offered at this site,,3551579,00.html It does appear that going forward labels are looking to phase out the availability of this product, as it's proving unpopular with music fans.
Submitted by: Theresa K  
9/29/2006 1:44:21 PM PT

"In March, Virginia chain Plan 9 stocked only Teddy Geiger’s $15.99 Underage Thinking CD, rather than his $19.99 Underage Thinking DualDisc, also from Sony BMG. A third special edition of the album streets Oct. 10."

I don't believe Sony actually ever released Teddy Geiger's dualdisc. It was never available for sale even from Sony directly. I think they decided to release the special edition cd/dvd which actually makes it only the second release of the title.