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The Azureus VUZE website makes it possible for independent filmmakers and DVD publishers to publish full length SD and HD content either with or without DRM. It is a higher quality model than podcasting and is sure to catch on as bandwidth and home DVR hardware options evolve. Take a look for yourselves at
Thank you, Tom. I''m a fellow rentailer. Our society is getting so tech hungry and pampered, but eventually a line will be drwan. Downloading movies and trying to get them to the tube? Sounds like a big pain in the ass to me. Online renting is just as rediculous, unless you watch 5 or 6 movies a month or like to watch obscure stuff thats hard to find in the video stores. People are going to realize that going out to the video store is not a chore, it''s a fun thing to do......just like it was in the 80''s and 90''s.
So download will never happen? And yet you are clearly intelligent and a successful business person. Go figure human beings. Before the year is out, Wal-Mart and others will be selling catalog films by mail order, 60,000 titles in the case of Wal-Mart. So the future will continue to get more competitive. Imagine the price point on the catalog films that Wal-Mart sells. Download will continue to gain, not at light speed but fast enough to hurt some players.
I'm not sure if you are asking the question or making a statement here. I'll assume you are siding with the opinion that movie downloads have not caught on yet and, therefore, will not catch on in the future. This is, in my opinion, a very short sided view. Yes, as we sit here in 2007, the legal movie and TV download business is a very small. It is a fraction of the entire home video market. That is not news. But, we are in the embronic stages of this market. You have to realize that physical media will be going away. It will be used as an archival method but not a delivery method. While the number of legal download sales for music is still small it is growing by leaps and bounds. When middle America moves away from purchasing at Wal- Mart the shift will happen. There are three keys to making this happen. First, we need more flexible DRM. This should not be hard. Don't treat paying customers like criminals. Let people move content around. Let them put it on multiple devices. Don't cripple it. Second, we need great content. That is a given. How far off is the same day release? Finally, we need the killer device to push the content to the TV. This device must be easy to use and have tons of storage. How much hard disk space do you have in your home? I have 3 TiVos, 2 with 30gb and one with 80gb. I have an iMac with 250gb internal and a media center Mac connected to three 200gb drives. And guess what? It is still not enough storage. This is going to be the key factor in movie downloads, along with great content and more flexible DRM/fair use laws. Apple TV, slingbox, G-tech...these are all version 1.0 devices. When the content can be seamlessly downloaded from the web and seamlessly appear in the family room or bedroom TV, then downloading will surpass DVD. It's not here now but it is coming, and it is coming fast. Thanks, Brian Andrews CEO |
5/2/2007 6:04:04 PM PT
I find it amazing when reading about new technology like "voodo" which basiclly claims to "bring movies direct to your Tv". Didn't we get that in the 1970o's with VCR? Also, my directTv allows me to order movies without the long wait a download presents. Why is all this new technology considered so "life changing". I am happy I am not the venture capitalist that dumped the millions into these companies. They are going to be road kill before they ever can turn a profit.