Blu-ray, HD DVD will co-exist
FROM VARIETY: Both formats will gain foothold
By Archie Thomas of Variety -- Video Business, 9/17/2007
SEPT. 17 | FROM VARIETY: LONDON —Both the Blu-ray and HD DVD high-definition formats can get a firm foothold and co-exist “for the foreseeable future” in the U.S and Western Europe, according to a report by media analysts Screen Digest.The report, which examines the evolution of the high-definition market until 2011, suggests that studios supporting only a single format will be missing out on significant potential revenue in coming years by not making their product available on both Blu-ray and HD DVD.
The U.K.-based research org predicts combined consumer spending for both formats will reach $1.55 billion in 2008, up from the $438 million mark projected for this year.
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