Comcast proposes 'P2P Bill of Rights'
FROM MULTICHANNEL NEWS: Operator, Pando Networks to develop best-practices framework
By Todd Spangler of Multichannel News -- Video Business, 4/16/2008
APRIL 16 | FROM MULTICHANNEL NEWS: Comcast is looking to further position itself as proactively—and responsibly—addressing the issue of managing peer-to-peer traffic that traverses its network, announcing Tuesday it will lead an industry-wide effort to create a “P2P Bill of Rights and Responsibilities” for users and Internet service providers.
The cable operator and peer-to-peer technology firm Pando Networks said they will collaborate with industry experts, other ISPs and P2P companies, content providers and others to create a framework “to clarify what choices and controls consumers should have” when using P2P applications and what processes and practices ISPs should use to manage P2P applications running on their networks.
In the last several months, Comcast was caught off guard by the outcry over its practice of throttling back peer-to-peer traffic, which culminated in a pending Federal Communications Commission investigation and at least two subscriber lawsuits. Last month the operator announced it would work with BitTorrent and others to make P2P run more efficiently on its network.
Read the full story on Multichannel News.
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