Arts Alliance secures promo partners for Planet B-Boy
South Pole Clothing, YouTube event part of campaign
By Cheryl Cheng -- Video Business, 8/20/2008
AUG. 20 | Arts Alliance America is planning major marketing support for its upcoming documentary Planet B-Boy, with an expected reach of more than 30 million consumers.
The six-tier campaign includes print ads in Source, in-store retailer appearances and radio promotions, such as DVD give-aways.
Arts Alliance also has partnered with South Pole Clothing, which is working with B-Boy director Benson Lee to create a 60-second spot of B-Boy dancers wearing the clothing line. The spot will be included on the DVD.
Also in conjunction with South Pole, Lee has shot a five-minute piece that will be placed on B-boy and hip-hop sites on the Internet to promote the DVD.
Video-sharing Web site YouTube will broadcast a live streamed event on Nov. 22 with the performers from the film. The site's home page was taken over by the movie for 24 hours when Planet B-Boy debuted in theaters earlier this year.
Streeting Nov. 11, Planet B-Boy looks at the underground and international world of B-boying, the urban dance movement also known as break dancing.