Blu-ray buyers still support cheaper DVD
Men still more likely to buy high-def discs
By Susanne Ault -- Video Business, 12/31/2008
DEC. 31 | Most Blu-ray Disc consumers are paying between $20 and $30 for titles, marking about a $10 difference between the majority of standard-definition discs bought at $10 to $19.99 pricing, according to the NPD Group.
About half of all Blu-ray discs are purchased at the $20+ price point, about the same as common new release retail pricing for standard DVD during the format’s early years. However, many consumers are balking at Blu-ray’s current premium over standard DVD, according to NPD entertainment analyst Russ Crupnick.
“We know that Blu-ray customers are still overwhelmingly selecting DVD when given the choice,” said Crupnick. “People will go and buy The Dark Knight on Blu-ray,” he added. “But for whatever other movie, they think they can just get it on DVD for less. I don’t think people are saying that they necessarily have to have a Blu-ray price that is the same as DVD. But the premium is a bit too steep right now for them.”
Besides pricing, mainstream Blu-ray appeal is also being impacted by gender. The software continues to attract mostly an early adopter consumer profile, according to NPD. Currently, 72% of Blu-ray software buyers are male. That compares with standard DVD’s even 50/50 split between male and female buyers. Additionally, buyers are generally young, ages 25-34, matching the demographics for the most popular Blu-ray player, the PlayStation 3.
Yet, Crupnick is optimistic that more women will jump into the Blu-ray fold, as recent year-end format sales are grabbing their attention.
“If we looked at this a year ago, it was 80/20 [male/female],” said Crupnick. “I’ll be curious if this will continue to change with all of the price reductions and post-holiday sales.”