Blockbuster will hold Twilight blood drives
'Pint' exchanges to take place in 20 cities
By Danny King -- Video Business, 3/11/2009
MARCH 11 | Blockbuster will commemorate next week's DVD release of the vampire movie Twilight by holding blood drives at some of its stores.
The largest U.S. movie-rental chain will let customers donate a pint of blood in exchange for a free pint of ice cream as part of its Twilight promotions Friday night, March 20, Blockbuster said in a statement today. The Summit Home Entertainment title will be released on midnight March 21.
Between Blockbuster, Borders, F.Y.E., Hastings Entertainment, Hot Topic and Wal-Mart, Twilight's release will be celebrated by almost 5,800 store-front parties, Summit said last week. Hastings also has scheduled blood drives for Twilight's street date.
Blockbuster will hold blood drives in or near New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, among 17 other metropolitan areas. The company also said "hundreds" of other Blockbuster stores will extend operating hours to 1 a.m. on March 21 to accommodate Twilight fans.
Twilight grossed more than $190 million at the box office after its theatrical debut in late November.
Susanne Ault contributed to this report.