Videogames attract more players
PHYSICAL: Two-thirds of Americans play; 42% own a game console
By Susanne Ault -- Video Business, 6/2/2009
JUNE 2 | PHYSICAL: The Entertainment Software Assn. reports that 68% of U.S. households enjoy computer or video games, representing a 3% uptick over 2008.
Adult gamers have been playing for 12 years on average, marking a decrease from 2008. That indicates to ESA that more people are picking up game controllers for the first time.
Releasing the study during the annual E3 Expo game conference, which it produes, ESA touted the category’s ability to attract new players.
“This is the new golden age of entertainment software. Our products are now being enjoyed by over two-thirds of Americans,” said Michael D. Gallagher, CEO of the ESA. “As the findings of the 2009 Essential Facts illustrate, more and more Americans across all demographics are now embracing the interactive entertainment experience that computer and video games provide.”
In other findings in ESA’s Essential Facts study, 42% of Americans own a game console. The average player is 35 years old, and 43% of players are female.
Almost half of all games sold are rated ‘E’ for Everyone by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.
Gaming is increasingly a family activity, adds ESA. More than 60% of parents with children under 18 believe gaming is a positive part of their kids’ lives. These parents are present when kids purchase/rent games 92% of the time. Also, these parents say they monitor their children’s play 91% of the time.