Good Hair - DVD Review
By Irv Slifkin -- Video Business, 1/4/2010
LIONSGATEStreet: Feb. 9
Prebook: Jan. 13
> Chris Rock looks into African-American women’s obsession with hair.
Almost everything you wanted to know about hair and the black community is revealed in this often hilarious documentary, featuring Chris Rock as the quick-witted tour guide. The diverse parties commenting on the subject range from poet Maya Angelou to Rev. Al Sharpton to rapper Eve to actress Nia Long. Rock also delves into the lucrative hair care industry, weavings and an annual Atlanta-based convention where the top hair stylists compete for $20,000 in prize money. The film also courts some controversy by looking into who benefits from selling the hair products and why “nappy” is often considered no-good.
Shelf Talk: Good reviews and a limited theatrical run that garnered a decent $4 million precede Good Hair’s life on DVD and eventual broadcast on HBO, which helped produce the film. Although the documentary will win favor with its target female urban audience, it has lots of laughs and info that will appeal to a broader spectrum of parties as well as the sizable contingent of Rock fans.
Documentary, color, PG-13 (language), 95 min., DVD $27.98, UPC: 031398118336Extras: commentary, featurettes
Director:Jeff Stilson
First Run: L, Oct. 2009, $4 mil.