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The Skinny on Laura Linney
October 1, 2007

Though Laura Linney’s early feature film career saw her appearing in notable roles in a handful of well-budgeted studio projects such as Dave, Primal Fear and Absolute Power, the past decade or so has seen the Juilliard-trained actress regularly alternating between both high-profile Hollywood productions and independent efforts. Over the past few years, example, Linney has starred in such Hollywood biggies as The Nanny Diaries,

Breach and The Exorcism of Emily Rose, while also finding the time for star turns in Driving Lessons, The Squid and the Whale, P.S. and, one of her latest, Jindabyne, which Sony will issue on DVD on Oct.2.


On the independent movies, people are not as afraid of each other and everyone sort of works together,” said responding to a press junketeer’s inevitable question on the differences between indie and studio filmmaking. Linney . “There’s a much more inter-dependent feel on an independent film set, let’s say.”


With the bigger movies, people are not as reliant, or dependent, on each other. Sometimes they are. The stereotype, I would say, is that on an independent movie it’s much more of an ensemble feeling,” she continued. And there are just some big movies that, for me, are written to be green-lit, not to be acted.”


But be they the products of independent filmmakers or a studio, a worthwhile project remains a worthwhile project and Linney is thrilled that she has reached a point in her career when she has the freedom to pick and choose the films and filmmakers with whom she wishes to work.


“Between a really great director and a really great writer, the steps are all there for you, and you just have to follow and the rest of it will,” Linney said. “It is where skill and faith will intertwine.”

Posted by Laurence Lerman on October 1, 2007 | Comments (0)

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