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A Flawless Film from Michael Radford
April 8, 2008

“I feel there’s a revolution taking place and I have no problems with it,” director Michael Radford told me in an interview last week. “You can wax lyrical all you want about the cinematic experience, but it’s been pretty bad where I’m coming from. People eating during the movies, wrong reels, things like that.”


Radford is referring to the rollout of his latest film, the caper film Flawless, starring Michael Caine and Demi Moore. The Magnolia Pictures release received a sneak preview on HDNet Ultra VOD beginning on March 1 and on HDNet Movies on March 26 preceding its theatrical release on March 28. It’s scheduled for release on DVD on June 3.


“So I have no problem with these new kinds of distribution,” said Radford. “And now there are video

downloads, and that’s a smart move, too.”  


The filmmaker (whose previous efforts include the 1987’s White Mischief, 1998’s B. Monkey,  2000’s Dancing at the Blue Iguana and the 1994 international smash Il Postino) describes his latest work as “a suspense movie, a genre that been neglected for a bit,” and one that’s “got a wonderful style.”


According to Radford, that aforementioned style also applies to Flawless’s leading lady, Demi Moore.


“She’s a really good actor and did a really surprising acting job,” he said. “Demi has a lot of talent that’s been untapped.”

Posted by Laurence Lerman on April 8, 2008 | Comments (1)

April 25, 2008
In response to: A Flawless Film from Michael Radford
JULII commented:

Michael Radford has had a weird career, but he did a good job. I think this movie will catch on on DVD. Why isn;t Gambit with Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine avaialble?

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