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Living la Vida Guerra
September 7, 2006
Having conquered the galaxy of Internet eye candy sites and the equally orb-opening world cellular phones via her hosting duties on the mobile phone reality makeover series Primped (, actress/model Vida Guerra continues her quest for domination of the small screen with a co-starring role in the Lionsgate straight-to-DVD comedy National Lampoon’s Dorm Daze 2, which was released this past Tuesday. Guerra, whose popularity is directly proportionate to the generous photographic coverage she gives to her capacious caboose (or, as Wikipedia puts it, she is “well known because of her large buttocks, which are usually accentuated in her photographs”), is featured prominently on the DVD’s cover. In an interview with that was conducted last week, voluptuous Vida offered her opinion on her Dorm Daze 2 role, that of a virgin named Violet who’s trying to decide whether to do the dirty with her boyfriend.
“It wasn't challenging. I just had to remember what it was like when I was 17. I enjoyed doing it. The directors [David and Scott Hillenbrand] were great. They gave me great direction as to what they wanted this character to be. I think I did a very good job. I hope everybody else thinks that way to when they see it.”
“Not challenging?” Does this mean we won’t be seeing Vida in Dorm Daze 3? Or is she going to raise the stakes and move on to erotic thrillers?
Posted by on September 7, 2006 | Comments (2)