Verizon chief: Hulu will be over in two years
FROM B&C: Seidenberg says technology will make it irrelevant; happy to pay retrans
By Claire Atkinson of Broadcasting & Cable -- Video Business, 11/20/2009
NOV. 20 | FROM B&C: Verizon Communications CEO Ivan Seidenberg said Hulu is a six month wonder and that technology will ultimately bypass the current fascination with the online video service. "When you think of the change, look at Hulu and the dialogue and debate, and you say, O.K. this is in for the next eight to twelve months and in two years it won't matter because the world will have moved on."
Speaking at the Paley Center as part of an event hosted by CNBC's David Faber, Seidenberg referenced a project called Sixth Sense which links a mini-projector with a cellphone and allows consumers to watch TV on any surface as an example of how fast technology changes the game.
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