Redenbacher launches Indy TV ads
Popcorn maker offers $10 rebate on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
By Susanne Ault -- Video Business, 10/14/2008
OCT. 14 | Orville Redenbacher’s current TV ads will star Paramount Home Entertainment’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull DVD, marking the first time the popcorn brand has rolled out spots around a consumer co-promotion.
The campaign will spotlight the fact that people will receive a $10 mail-in rebate on the DVD, which bowed Oct. 14, with the purchase of boxes of Redenbacher popcorn.
During the TV spots, a family uses Indy-style whips to turn off the lights in order to enjoy a night at home with popcorn and the DVD.
These commercials are set to run through October. Redenbacher popcorn boxes also will inform people of the rebate offer.
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was so popular in theaters, and the DVD release has been so highly anticipated, that it made sense to create a promotion as big as the movie itself,” said Dave Linne, senior VP of advertising at Redenbacher owner ConAgra Foods. “Plus, movies and popcorn are such a natural fit that the connection makes the promotion and the TV ad all the more relevant and dynamic.”
Separately, Papa John’s has enhanced its current Indiana Jones pizza campaign, in which it bowed the “XL Explorer” pizza in honor of the title’s rollout. The delivery chain is awarding everyone with the name “Dr. Jones” a free pizza through Oct. 26. Papa John’s estimates there are 1.3 million people with that name in the U.S. Additionally, those Dr. Joneses living in Indiana will receive a free pizza as well as a free Kingdom of the Crystal Skull DVD.
Dr. Joneses will be receiving mailers notifying them of their prize, which they can then redeem at local Papa John’s restaurants.