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HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers

September 13, 2006

There's the battle between HD DVD and Blu-ray studio and consumer electronics companies and then there's the more openly contentious and occasionally more entertaining battle between HD DVD and Blu-ray owners, which goes on at the AVS Forum and other geek message boards and includes not-so-easy-to-remember slogans like "Just say "No" to Mpeg2 single-layer HD releases with no advanced audio codecs!"

Now some HD DVD backers have begun petitioning Blu-ray only studios Disney, Fox, MGM and Lionsgate to put their movies out on HD DVD also. (They're still debating whether to petition Sony.) According to the petition sites, they've collected just over 500 signatures, but petition creator Edward Downer emailed me claiming 1,100. The petitions list 15 reasons studios should put movies out on both formats, citing things such as widespread rumors of Blu-ray production issues and the fact that there is no hybrid Blu-ray/HD DVD disc.

While we understand that you initially decided to support Bluray exclusively, the situation today is significantly different than promised a year ago.

HD DVD has successfully launched to market, but we believe that Bluray still has serious technical issues to overcome which will impede its success.

Given this situation, we feel you may lose sales if you only support Bluray, as there are many HD DVD owners who would like to buy your movies on HD DVD now.

Here's a link to the Disney Petition, Lionsgate, MGM, and Fox.

Posted by on September 13, 2006 | Comments (25)

September 18, 2006
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
HiDeff Gorgeous commented:

HD DVD is the best HD format of the two.

It has proven itself and I complete agree with this petition drive.

I wish the studios would wake up and see how far ahead of the game the HD DVD format has gone.

I refuse to be forced to buy Bluray as it is so bad right now. I want to buy all movies in HD DVD format.

By the way, Jennifer - you have gorgeous eyes ;)

December 7, 2006
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Mark O commented:

I agree that HD DVD has proven the consumers choice. I waited to see the impact of the PS3 before confirming my choice, but it appears the PS3 is being gobbled up by gamers and not really by movie buffs.

December 11, 2006
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers


December 16, 2006
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
J commented:

Who really knows what format is better? Right now it just looks like a bunch fanatics from both sides are debating which is better. In my opinion the general public doesn't have much awareness about the "HD era". When I go browsing for TV's at an electronics store, I see people take glances at HDTV's and say "What's 1080p and why does is cost $3000?". They generally walk away with little intrest in learning about it. HD is far from becoming the must have electronics. My point is why debate about two new formats as if everyone already has HDTV's and HD DVD or Blu-ray players? When it comes down to it, consumers will decide who wins, regardless of petitions favoring whatever side. The way things are looking now, that could be a long wait for both HD DVD and Blu-ray player owners who want a format decided. Personally, this may sound far fetched for some readers, I think the winner will be the one who produces the most "adult films".

December 21, 2006
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
mrsmith commented:

Regardless that HD-DVD has far outsold Blu-Ray in terms of standard players and disks, the big-box retail stores continue pushing Blu-Ray:

Just check their aisles. Looks as though the far higher margin for selling a Blu-Ray player is too tough to pass up. As a result, local big electronics retailers are either not displaying the HD-DVD players at all, or relegating them to an out-of-sight placement.

Is this just a Southern California thing, or is it around the country?

January 29, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Gabriel Hebert commented:

It''s cheaper to produce, better video quality and unfair for us to have to buy hd dvd and blu ray players so we can get the movies from all the studios, I know that means more money for the big wigs but think about us for a change, we don''t have the money for both formats.

January 30, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
D J Wilson commented:

I have both a HD-DVD player and a PS3, but I prefer films on HD-DVD due to increased functionality and price. I would really like to encourage you to reconsider your sole backing for blu-ray. Maybe just try out a few titles and see how they sell. Thanks. David

January 30, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
SJ Hill commented:

If you really want HD to gain widespread acceptance, you should seriously consider following the lead of Warner and Paramount and release in both formats. If you allow market forces to decide, this format war is going to be over and done with a lot faster than if you continue to back BD only. HD DVD is a much more mainstream-friendly format and stands a better chance of being adopted, and to lose out on that revenue based on some "principle" based on copy-protection schemes is silly.

January 30, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Aaron Beirnes commented:

Please support HD-DVD with titles from your companies. I own the xbox360 HD-DVD drive and don't plan on ever purchasing a BluRay player.

Thank you
Aaron Beirnes

January 30, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Ryan, Ontario Canada commented:

HD DVD has proven to be a very compitent format to produce High Definition quality picture and sound for TV and Movies. The difference in disc space has shown to be a non factor and HD DVD are closing the gap in the difference. As well, regardless of what type of copyright protection is used, hackers will always find a way to break it. So suggesting that Bluray has better copy protection is moot, as I truly believe we are just a short period of time away from either format being crack.

January 31, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Ben Gourlay commented:

Stick to your guns, BD group. Universal will fold.

January 31, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
steve carter commented:

I''m in the uk and HD DVD is outselling blu-ray 5 to 1.
no one is buying blu-ray in europe.

February 9, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Jocky commented:

Blu-ray is the better product. Higher Capacity, higher data throughput. If Blu-ray wins, then the consumer wins. Fortunately Blu-ray has now won the war, so we can all get behind the next generation of high definition that is blu-ray

February 10, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Bgood commented:

I also like HD DVD'S. I buy only HD, NEVER blue-ray/1

February 13, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Junior B commented:

Obviously the studios backing Blu Ray aren''t sure which format is going to win, so why don''t they just release future movies for both formats and see which sells more, the hd dvd version or blu ray. That''s the only way you can really get a litmus test as to what the public wants.

February 22, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
John Barsby - Sydney Australia commented:

In Australia, unfortunately, i have to report this...

"Blu-ray, which only just officially launched in Australia earlier this week, has already been declared the likely winner in the HD format war by the Australian press. At a Sydney event for the nation's leading media, retailers and analysts more than twenty Australian companies announced their support for the Blu-ray format including JB Hi-Fi, one of the largest consumer electronics retailers in Australia, which announced that they would be supporting the Blu-ray format exclusively.

"Today's launch is a clear demonstration of the overwhelming cross-industry support for the Blu-ray Disc format," said Michele Garra, chair of the Australian Blu-ray Disc Working Group. "The majority of the world's consumer electronics, IT, music, game companies and Hollywood studios, have already endorsed Blu-ray Disc because of its technical superiority and ability to provide an entirely new experience to consumers. We are thrilled to announce that Australian consumers can now experience Blu-ray Disc for themselves."

Scott Browning, Marketing Director at Australia's leading entertainment specialist retailer, JB Hi-Fi said, "Today's launch is one of the most significant in years for all Australian retailers interested in a slice of the growing entertainment market. Blu-ray is the only format that has the ability to tell the whole story, with the most comprehensive offering on the market. With seven of Hollywood's leading studios accounting for the vast majority of 2006's home video sales, among the 170 plus companies globally that support Blu-ray Disc, it makes sense that content will be king when it comes to Blu-ray."

"Indeed this is the reason that we have decided to only stock Blu-ray products at JB Hi-Fi. The range of exciting new film and TV releases as well as the potential back catalogue means that we can deliver everyone's favourite films on Blu-ray."

Globally, Blu-ray continues to grow as the natural choice, next generation format. In the United States, Hollywood studios are selling upwards of 45,000 Blu-ray titles weekly, with predictions showing steady growth driven by increasing hardware sales. According to Sony Computer Entertainment America, the PlayStation 3 is making strong progress, with the company reporting that two million PlayStation 3 consoles have shipped worldwide — a figure which is further bolstered by emerging sales of stand-alone Blu-ray players. These figures show consumers are readily embracing Blu-ray as their preferred next generation high-definition entertainment"

I truely do not understand why they (JBhiFi) are supporting it outright and not even stocking HD-DVD software even though they plan to sell the xbox360 HD-DVD when it arrives in late March.

Very disappointing and a bad turn for Australia. HD-DVD with its mandatory feature sets, cheaper production costs, studio support (and growing) and lets not forget, for those outside the US, REGION FREE discs makes for a future proofing and viable product for all consumers around the globe.

Wake up Australia before we are left behind.

February 28, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
justin bullock commented:

get smart bluray backers hd dvds are cheaper and easier to make so with this hd dvds all the way

February 28, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
pam shumway commented:

I like the HD dvd's because they are more affordable than the blue ray dvd. Who cares if they hold more information, who really wants to sit and watch hours of extras. If you ask me, your wasting your hard earned money. The quality of the hd dvd is exactly the same as the blue ray but is cheaper to make

February 28, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
justin bullock commented:

get smart bluray backers hd dvds are cheaper and easier to make so with this hd dvds all the way

March 24, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
tom bombidil commented:

i say all studios should be multiplatform to see which platform is truly better.

March 30, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Dru commented:

Well im from aus, and the hd dvd launch here was terriable. I had to find out when it was on rather than it being thrown in my face the PS3

I dont think its a fair race in australia at the moment. Everyones plugging the blu ray stuff as the best without actually looking at the facts itsself or using one of the drives.

Also the avalibility of bluray discs far outweighs the hddvds so im just guessing thats why they outsold them...

Jb hi-fi ssaid they were only going to sell blu ray and now they sell both and for some reason the hd dvd is more expensive.

If you ask me if the makers of hd dvd want there product to succeed all you need to do is sell your self. Because at the moment you havent done anything in aus.

May 2, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Fireboy commented:

HD DVD IS the way to go. every new medium sony makes fails. betamax,minidisk,memorystick,and now out with bluray

May 17, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
HD Where! commented:

I agree with the comments about Australia being pathetic with any kind of launch fo HD DVD! I''m in Brisbane and if wasn''t for a local store burn.com.au (they have a store in the valley) I wouldn''t be able to find any HDs anywhere! JB and others are doing deals with the devil to only carry Blu Ray so I''m not going to support them at all anymore! (I do have a Playstation 3 as well so I''m not against Blu Ray just the stores that won''t support one format due to pay offs! - not that it matters now since I found Burn Direct! :)

May 22, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Steve Smith commented:

You bet! I'll go one step further with Disney (my most wanted company to do Hd-DVD's). We've bought them on VHS, then replaced them on DVD - we'll NOT be backing Blue-ray. Until Disney backs HD, we'll stop buying any new Disney movies until then.

May 29, 2007
In response to: HD DVD owners petition Blu-ray backers
Warner says doing business with both pay commented:

Warner has grabbed an exaggerated share of the high-def market by releasing movies in both formats.

“We’ve been asked, doesn’t it cost more to produce in both formats, which is so much the wrong question,” Warner president Ron Sanders said. “If we were only releasing in Blu-ray, you would just off the top take 30% to 40% of revenue out of the titles. For us, it’s paying off nicely.”

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