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The iPhone CAN Do Freakin' Everything
April 8, 2008
A company called NetBlender will be introducing technology this week, dubbed BD Touch, that should sync up Playstation 3's Blu-ray player with iPhone and/or iTouch.
The benefits touted involve iPhone/iTouch users being able call up NetBlender's BD application to update their BD film playlist off of their PS3. Or BD Touch can wirelessly access digital film copies held on people's PS3s. Here it's not clear if you're accessing the copy off of an embedded BD disc, or if this is content downloaded off of the BD Live network.
If this sounds confusing, and it does to me to be honest, you can check out NetBlender's explanation here in two creative mock iPhone commercials. You'll need to type in the password 'convergence' to access the first and the second ad.
Anything associated with Apple is hip and cool these days, and BD Touch could boost the BD format. But it's hard to tell if this will really get off the ground with consumers, who have loads of opportunities to wirelessly transfer content from different devices, but don't seem to do it all that often yet. Also, it's still a question mark whether people will watch a lot of film content on small mobile devices.
I think it is great that people are becoming increasingly creative around BD - the more people embracing the high-def format the better.
Posted by Susanne Ault on April 8, 2008 | Comments (1)