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High-Def Breaks In As Movie Review Category
November 26, 2007
Alright, we've already seen plenty of write-ups on Blu-ray and HD DVD titles. But now Premiere's Web site believes the high-def category is big enough to present Blu-ray and HD DVD reviews on a regular basis. Yes, Premiere probably isn't as significant a publication now that it has stopped its monthly print edition in favor of an online-only presence.
But still, this is the Premiere brand. The fact that it is seriously paying attention to high-def lends some needed style and hipness to a category that is innovative and wonderful and all...but still, let's face it, pretty darn geeky.
To really capture mainstream consumer interest, beyond the CNET and PCWorld crowd, it's important that the Premiere's of the world rally behind seeing films in all their visual and audio glory. And nerd alert! the Premiere author actually takes the time to explain what 1080p really means, prior to the listing of the various reviews.
Beyond just simply covering high-def titles, Premiere is also giving props to black and white high-def titles. If Premiere believes consumers can 'get' the value of black and white in high-def, and not just the latest color-exploding special effects flick, then that seems to bode well for the ongoing validity of the category as well. Specifically, Premiere honored Warner Home Video's HD DVD of Casablancas with an A+. And so as not to leave anyone out...Magnolia Home Entertainment's Blu-ray release of The Host also scored an A+. And yes, I know how you guys think, Premiere includes plenty of picks from each side
Posted by Susanne Ault on November 26, 2007 | Comments (0)