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Warner's 'Ocean's' still swimming in HD DVD
February 29, 2008
Word came from Warner Home Video this morning that it will release single SKUs of Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12 in high-def this spring. Blu-ray comes out April 29, with HD DVD on May 20. These were previously released in high-def only as part of the Ocean's Trilogy last year.
Having already announced it will support only Blu-ray beginning in June, why does Warner keep announcing HD DVD titles for release just under the wire?
In the case of Ocean's, maybe it's got extra inventory from the Trilogy release? Or maybe it sees the opportunity in releasing whatever product it can for hungry HD DVD enthusiasts? These people know supply is going to dry up, so they're likely to collect whatever they can get their hands on before it does.
Just because Warner decided going Blu was the most prudent path in the long run, doesn't mean it won't pick up every possible HD DVD dollar that's immediately available.
Posted by Marcy Magiera on February 29, 2008 | Comments (1)