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Fall expectations for 'Sex'
May 30, 2008

UPDATE: You can’t get a weekend movie ticket today to New Line’s Sex and the City unless you’re up for Sex for brunch or after 10 p.m.—when the gals in New York may be just heading out for the evening, but we middle-aged Angelenos are turning in.

If there’s such a thing as review-proof, this movie has got to be it. Manohla Dargis savaged it in The New York Times, while the L.A. Times’ Carina Chocano composed a Valentine to the femme foursome. Either way, it doesn’t matter. The film is riding a huge wave of publicity (63 pages in Entertainment Weekly?!) and is bound to open bigger than was anticipated even a few weeks ago.

On Monday morning, the numbers crunchers at Warner will surely be busy reforecasting fall DVD sales for the hit, as the forecasters at every studio have been doing every week for a month.

The crush of movies at the multi­plex now will become the crush of SKUs at retail come fall. The more crowded the market, the more important it is to accurately gauge what each title is likely to sell, as painful as it may be to roll back expectations for highly anticipated theatrical underperformers. With major studios already prepping for a year in which DVD sales are flat at best, this forecasting takes on an extra urgency.

Posted by Marcy Magiera on May 30, 2008 | Comments (0)

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