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Rambo DVD, Blu-rayMarch 11, 2008Call May 27 Rambo day. That's when Lionsgate will release Rambo in a two-disc widescreen version, a two-disc Blu-ray version and single-DVD versions with widescreen and fullscreen. All are prebook April 30 and are priced at $34.98, $39.99 and $29.95, respectively.
• commentary with Sylvester Stallone Blu-ray also offers picture-in-picture during the commentary -- and you can view that as soon as a Blu-ray player is able to actually playback picture-in-picture!
First Blood will include commentaries by Stallone and author David Morrell, "Drawing First Blood" featurette and Out of the Blu trivia track. Rambo First Blood Part II will have commentary by director George P. Cosmatos, "We Get to Win This Time" documentary (Lionsgate isn't calling this one a featurette so maybe it's longer) and the trivia track. And Rambo III will offer commentary by director Peter MacDonald, "Afghanistan: Land in Crisis" documentary and the trivia track. BUT WAIT, THERE'S EVEN MORE: Also on that date, Lionsgate will release Rambo: The Complete Collector's Set on DVD only - no Blu-ray. Price is $54.98 and it includes Ultimate Editions of the first three movies and the two-disc set of Rambo I talked about above. In the Ultimate Editions of the first three movies, the extras are the same commentaries from the Blu-ray box set plus "Interactive Military Special Operations" features on all of them, deleted scenes on Rambo III and an alternate ending on First Blood. Phew! So basically, if fans want all the extras, they gotta dish out a lot of bucks for every set. If not, they have lots of choices. Posted by Samantha Clark on March 11, 2008 | Comments (7)
March 11, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray BluBoy commented: The newest Panasonic player that has been out since November does play P.I.P. features wonderfully. Do your research before posting you idiot, Samantha.
March 11, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray Daniel Linzmeier commented: You could be polite when pointing out the error. Samantha, the Panasonic DMP-B30 PIP since late last year. Sony also sent a firmware upgrade which allows the PS3 to do PIP as well.
March 12, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray Naz commented: Yeah what's your problem "BluBoy?"
March 13, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray BluBoy commented: Here's my problem: Samantha has made mistakes in the past on this blog. Recently she announced that I Am Legend was coming out on Blu Ray and HD DVD, and was dumbfounded that the HD DVD was coming out 3 weeks after the Blu Ray release. This was after the big announcement by WB saying that unitl June 1 there would be a 3 week delay in HD DVD releases. If Samantha is going to have a job at a home video distributor website, she should at least be more educated on know the facts before posting.
March 13, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray Samantha commented: Glad to see you're reading so closely, BluBoy. Thanks to Daniel too for that information. My understanding was that PIP was still a problem for Blu-ray, so I'm glad to hear users have a couple options to be able to see this feature. Anyone have any questions about Blu-ray, post them here. BluBoy will fill you in. He's obviously a fan, judging by the handle, and says he knows his stuff. One thing, though, we're not a home video distributor.
March 13, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray Naz commented: Yes... that's your problem, and the fact that you seem to have a general miserable tone to your posts in general.
July 16, 2008
In response to: Rambo DVD, Blu-ray Earl commented: yeah, that Carma thing is for real. I recently won $100,000 on a scratch off lottery ticket and was immediately hit by a car. And i never found the ticket.