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Google Video now front and center
August 18, 2006
Google moved its video store link to its main page last week, presumably to drive more traffic than it was getting when users had to click through the “more” link to find it.
It’s still in beta and still features a range of mostly indie or user uploaded videos in addition to some TV stuff like MTV shows Beavis & Butthead and PBS’s Charlie Rose.
Interestingly, Google’s offering Day Passes on some shows in addition to full-price downloads. Like Hart Sharp’s Super Size Me is priced at $3.95 for the day or $19.99 full price or Sundance Channel movies for $3.99 by the day and $9.99 to buy.
Day passes seem like a great option, kind of the online equivalent to DVD rental, but I wonder if it’s something they’ll be able to do on major films if and when they offer them. So far, daylong downloads at sites like CinemaNow and Movielink have been considered pay-per-view and therefore only available in the 60-day or so PPV window that follows DVD.
Posted by on August 18, 2006 | Comments (0)