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Big bow for online premiere of Princess
October 21, 2008

Here's even more evidence that online video-on-demand is taking off, and not just for funny "cat attacks tootbrush" videos. Magnolia debuted Wayne Wang's feature-length The Princess of Nebraska on YouTube over the weekend and it scored 160,000 views. According to VB sister publication Variety, that would have been a 15th place ranking if the movie had been in theaters.

But the question is, if it had been in theaters, would it have made that much? To go to a theater, a viewer has to get dressed, get in the car, drive to the theater, buy a ticket, find a seat and do all this to coincide with the showing times the theater has designated. Nothing against Princess of Nebraska, but it's no Dark Knight. Would 160,000 people have done all that for an English/Mandarin film about a pregnant Chinese girl's life in the U.S.?

How about if they could roll out of bed, sit at a computer dressed in pajamas with their hair still sticking up and watch the movie over their bowl of Fruit Loops -- for free? Sounds more like it.

If you were one of those 160,000, how did you watch the movie? If you weren't, check it out now below and let us know what you think.

Posted by Samantha Clark on October 21, 2008 | Comments (0)

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