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High-Def Formats: Hot or Not at CES?
January 3, 2008

As there are about a million press conferences on CES Sunday eve (well, I exaggerate, but it's still about one manufacturer on the hour between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.) I've been racing to prep myself about what I can expect.  A lot of what I'm being told is embargoed, and can't be released on the VB site until Sunday. With some exceptions, it's still probably safe to say that a number of the major BD manufacturers aren't planning on giving new high-def hardware specifics during the show that officially kicks off in Las Vegas on Jan. 7. For example, one is pushing back any new formal announcements until the spring. Many of these companies' latest players did just, just roll out in the latter half of 2007. But isn't it really important to keep the momentum going on high-def at CES? All the tech tastemakers will be descending upon Vegas in the next few days. 
Outside of the individual manufacturer press conferences, there are planned HD DVD and Blu-ray sessions on Sunday and Monday evenings, respectively.  They'll have to fill their alotted time with some sort of discussion. I just hope its something more than the 'We Rule! They Suck!' rundown we sometimes are treated to from each side. I hope to see some of the new BD Live titles demo-ed, such as Lionsgate's War or Saw IV, as I'm curious to see which players will be able to play them (hello, Playstation 3 firmware upgrade??)
HD DVD definitely could use some sort of consumer marketing bonanza to help people understand what advanced interactivity means. The format arguably kicks butt with Web-enabled features and picture-in-picture interactivity. But does it matter if know one knows they are there?
Stay tuned starting Sunday.  I do hope CES winds up chock full of fun BD and HD DVD info.

Posted by Susanne Ault on January 3, 2008 | Comments (1)

January 4, 2008
In response to: High-Def Formats: Hot or Not at CES?
fitprod commented:

With WB announcing Blu-ray exclusivity, and the HD DVD promotion group cancelling their Sunday Night Press Conference, I think this all comes down to the hardware announcements. That would include new Blu-ray players, and Toshiba figuring out when and how to pull the plug on HD DVD. Universal, Weinstein and Paramount have to know this is over now.

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