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Shocker! Men Like to Shop For Big Screen TVs More Than For Groceries
November 29, 2007
I hate to play into stereotypes just like the next person, BUT a new survey reports that men are from Mars and women are from Venus when it comes to shopping for high-def TVs and other electronics. For men, the process is "exciting," and for women it's "stress-inducing," according to the survey by Omnicom's Integer Group.
Given those polarized sentiments, it probably would serve the Wal-Marts and Best Buys of the world well to make things more comfortable for the girls. It would have to boost sales, since last I checked, women make up a pretty good portion of the U.S. population.
In other differences noted in the survey, woman are influenced by famorite brands first, where as the men prioritize the specific product they want before caring which brand is stamped across it. Women are also drawn to electronics purchases if they happen to approve of the retail atmosphere, something that doesn't weigh hard on men's minds. Especially femme-friendly overall shopping experiences can be had at Target, Ikea and Whole Foods. Maybe Best Buy could throw in some organic goat cheese sampling tables to sit next to its BD or HD DVD displays? Just a thought.
The two genders do some of their shopping the same way. Almost everyone checks the Web to do their research before purchase. Yet to seal the deal, a lot of people still prefer to buy electronics in-store.
Check here for a more detailed look at
Advertising Age's story on the survey results.
Posted by Susanne Ault on November 29, 2007 | Comments (0)