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You Totally Saw This One Coming
November 2, 2007
The same day that Wal-Mart announced it would feature bargain $99 Toshiba HD DVD players in its pre-Black Friday Nov. 2 clearance, Sony made some rumbles about dropping the price of its entry level Blu-ray player.
During a Thursday New York media roundtable, Sony Electronics president Stephen Glasgow said that he believed the company's $499 player would be shaved down to around $399 by the holidays. That $100 price cut would help Sony's model match the $399 tag of the latest 40 GB Playstation 3, which launched on Nov. 2 as the cheapest Blu-ray player available.
Its unclear if Sony or retailers would be responsible for dropping the price on the BD player.
Sony Electronics spokesman Greg Beloni confirmed to VB that Glasgow made those statements, and that Glasgow "isn't taking the comments back."
Yet Beloni stopped from further specifying Glasgow's remarks. There is no clear indication when during the holidays we'll see a price cut.
However, Beloni did refute some reports Friday that claimed Sony will soon be releasing firmware to upgrade its entry level model to the new Blu-ray picture-in-picture player profile.
Yet Sony is expected to soon make such firmware available for its Playstation 3.
Posted by Susanne Ault on November 2, 2007 | Comments (0)