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Beowulf Advertising Boggle
February 26, 2008
If you watched TV and don't read much, like a lot of Americans actually!, it might be hard to tell if Beowulf came out on HD DVD as well as DVD today. At least in the TV ads I saw leading up to its Feb. 26 street, I only saw mention of Beowulf coming to DVD. But in Best Buy's and Circuit City's current newspaper circulars, Beowulf is singled out in both DVD and HD DVD formats.
It could just be that Paramount can't be everywhere at once as it adjusts to going Blu-ray only. You tend to get the most eyeballs still on TV. So if Paramount is prioritizing its business moves within a limited time frame, it's smart to probably focus there first as it starts to downplay its connection to HD DVD. Paramount formally told VB and other publications on Friday that it was going Blu, which is just four days prior to the bow of Beowulf.
Also, retailers still need to try to sell the Beowulf HD DVD product that has been expected to hit their shelves for some time.
Best Buy has promised to put the bulk of marketing resources on Blu-ray starting in March.
Conceivably, Beowulf might represent that last time Best Buy gives significant circular room to a HD DVD title.
Universal also seems to be grappling with its Blu transition. Today, the studio offiically announced Atonement for standard DVD only on March 18. Last year, Universal had been talking up Atonement as one of its next big 2008 HD DVD releases.
Posted by Susanne Ault on February 26, 2008 | Comments (0)