Lightyear moves distribution to Vivendi
Titles will be on iTunes for the first time
By Cindy Spielvogel -- Video Business, 10/20/2008
OCT. 20 | Lightyear Entertainment has moved its distribution to Vivendi Entertainment.
The long-term distribution agreement, effective Oct. 1, applies to both new titles and catalog.
VE will handle all DVD distribution for Lightyear, along with electronic sell-through, digital rental and mobile content. As part of the agreement, Lightyear titles will be available on iTunes for the first time.
“VE’s focus on independent films and ability to devote attention to an independent studio like Lightyear, combined with its clout and presence in the physical DVD and digital worlds, makes them the perfect distribution partner for what we do,” said Arnie Holland, CEO of Lightyear.
Beginning in November, Lightyear plans to release two to three films per month. Its library consists of about 70 titles in the sci-fi, horror, comedy, urban, faith-based, children’s, music and other genres.
Fourth-quarter releases from the company include three urban films: the comedy House Arrest, along with the faith-based Take a Leap of Faith (both Nov. 4) and Johnson Family Christmas Dinner (Dec. 9).
January releases will include mockumentary Confessions of an Action Star, comedy Opie Gets Laid and urban faith-based sequel Pastor Jones: Sisters in Spirit 2.
Lightyear had been distributed by Warner Home Video since 1995.