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Gamer DVD, Blu-ray

October 26, 2009

Despite its action/sci-fi plot that tries to capitalize on the popularity of videogames, Gamer grossed $20.5 million in theaters. However, that same premise coupled with 300 heartthrob Gerard Butler starring out of the box is sure to be a boon for the movie on DVD and Blu-ray.

Lionsgate will release Gamer on DVD ($29.95) and Blu-ray ($39.99) on Jan. 19 (prebook Dec. 23).

Kyra Sedgwick, currently gaining popularity on TV's The Closer, also stars, along with Dexter's Michael C. Hall.

Lionsgate is packing in lots of added value.

To go with the smaller price, what the DVD will offer is smaller:

·         Audio commentary with the writer/directors Mark Neveldine and BrianTaylor and actors Amber Valletta, Alison Lohman and Terry Crews

·          “Inside the Game: Controlling Gamer” – “making of” documentary

·         “First Person Shooter: The Evolution of Red” featurette

Blu-ray will include those plus:

·         I-Con Mode:  Go deep behind the scenes with this interactive time-shifting multi-dimensional

      exploration into the making of Gamer

·         Gamer Cheat Codes: interactive specialized scene-specific audio and video commentary accessible

      throughout the film

·         Never-Before-Seen Theatrical trailer

·         Lionsgate Live * (requires profile 2.0 player)

·         BD-Touch and Metamenu Remote enabled

·         Enhanced for D-Box Motion Control Systems

Posted by Samantha Clark on October 26, 2009 | Comments (0)

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