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Speaking of Seinfeld
November 21, 2006
Sony wants to remind us of a time before Michael Richards was known as the guy from Seinfeld who went on a racist rant during his standup routine. Or maybe they just want to let everyone know the Seinfeld Season 7 DVD is out...
The studio's viral video site
Grouper has created a Seinfeld "environment" (er, couldn't just call it a Web page or section?) that includes clips and bonus features all aimed at promoting the Season 7 DVD set that debuts Tuesday. No clips of Richards' latest routine, but Grouper users can watch and pass on clips to friends or MySpace from the series - including the infamous Soup Nazi scene - and bonus features from the DVD. The environment there only seems to allow users to post it to MySpace or Facebook, or I'd put a scene up. Sony also has links to buy the DVD through its own store, as part of deal it
announced a couple weeks ago.
So wait, was Richards YouTube post that made its rounds yesterday just borrowing from the Tom Cruise school of promotion?
Posted by Jennifer Netherby on November 21, 2006 | Comments (1)