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Coming to A Theater Near You: "When Blue Met Red" or maybe, "There Will Be A High-Def Format"
January 24, 2008

Fanboys - they tear me apart with their comments, but then I go right back to hearting them when I read stuff like this from the AVSForum: "If This Whole Thing Was Made Into a Movie, Which Actor Would Play Who."
Fitting nicely into current hoopla over Oscar nominations, bloggers have put together their picks for who would play certain key movers and shakers in the format war, including Toshiba's Jodi Sally, so stoic in her post-Warner CES speech, and ex-Warner high-def chief Steve Nickerson, who always seemed so upbeat about both formats as they fiercely fought each other for consumers' favor. Bloggers have picked mostly tough babes for Sally, including Kim Cattrall and Jodie Foster, of which I am partial to the latter. Nickerson got Steve Carrell and Heroes' Greg Grunberg, which makes sense considering the actors' jovial spirit. My favorite one for Universal's Ken Graffeo has to be Mel Gibson, which as the blogger points out "Gibson is never one to back down from an unpopular opinion (i.e. making Passion of the Christ or Apocalypto)." Howard Stringer got some notable Brit actors including Ian McKellen, which makes since as the Sony chief does have that Gandalf way about him...wise, but then obtuse and confusing (is the format war a stalemate or is it not?) This film would definitely be a blessing, as the ongoing Writers Guild strike has killed off of TV shows for the time being.
I'll try to add some of my own casting ideas. Please add your own! For Microsoft's Kevin Collins, I'll pick Matt Damon. They both seem to try really, really hard in the face of impossibility: Collins, demo-ing bonus features that are hard to understand at times; and Damon, racing to figure out his identity before getting killed by government operatives. And for Best Buy spokesman Brian Lucas or any of the retail folk for that matter, I'll go with Barack Obama.....only because all have been against this war from the very beginning! Bad joke, sorry!

Posted by Susanne Ault on January 24, 2008 | Comments (1)

January 24, 2008
In response to: Coming to A Theater Near You: "When Blue Met Red" or maybe, "There Will Be A High-Def Format"
free2speak commented:

I think the two leads are obvious. Pacino and Di Niro. Who else?

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