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Microsoft and Blu-ray: no No NO
June 9, 2008
Since HD DVD was toppled, there have been rumors bordering on hysteria that Microsoft was going Blu, most likely in the form of the company selling an external drive for its Xbox 360. Speculation even peaked on Sunday, when it was understood Microsoft would roll out a major spoiler news announcement on the eve of Apple's development conference in S.F. today.
Well scratch that again, as Microsoft's Robbie Bach denies all that Blu-ray funny business. As told to an SF Gate reporter, Microsoft has no plans for Blu-ray. And if anything, the company isn't too impressed yet by what it sees.
Here's one excerpted Bach quote form the story:
"If you look at the Blu-ray player market, you haven't seen the acceleration everybody expected (since the demise of HD DVD). It's not as much about whether all the content is in a Blu-ray format or a HD DVD format. You have to look at how fundamentally compelling the difference is between a progressive scan DVD player and the picture that it can produce and what you get on a high-definition player. The reality is there is some difference, but most people look at it and say, "I am not going to pay extra for that."
Well, to all that naysaying, I say that Microsoft doesn't get it right all the time. Problems seem to abound with its Windows Vista operating system. And the serious media hype rests on rival Apple's products. Speaking of which, let the hysteria ensue with Apple's announcement today that it lowering the price of its iPhone to $199.
Posted by Susanne Ault on June 9, 2008 | Comments (0)