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Filmmakers Hanging in Style with Kuro
June 6, 2008

The Tudors cinematographer Ousama Rawi and Edward Scissorhands editor Richard Halsey are among those sharing their thoughts while visiting Pioneer's Kuro loft. 
Launched back in March, the loft is a seriously decked out pad in Hollywood that showcases the best in Pioneer's high-end line of Kuro TVs, Blu-ray players, among other home theater products. Rawi and Halsey are among those on video at the Kuro loft site talking about the importance of getting things 'black' enough, which matches Pioneer's signature specialty technology. Pioneer's Kuro TVs, for instance, promise they'll display the darkest black possible which helps truly pop out color images.
Rawi mentions that "black should be emphasized," and in a subtle nod to Pioneer, questions, "How black is your TV? Is it black or is it gray?"
He jokingly remarks that not even Van Gogh could achieve a blackest black.
I wish the filmmakers featured in the video talked more specifically about whether they were won over or not by Pioneer's product pitch. One room of the loft features a TV taste test where you can compare the same video running across Pioneer Kuro and rival manufacturer screens. 
But it sounds like Pioneer wants to be classy, just like the loft, and avoid presenting a hard sell. 
If you can snag an invite to the loft - you can sign up here - it would be tough not to be bowled over by the set-up, though. Even if the TV Taste Test isn't your thing, just walking up to the loft's rooftop pool is an event in and of itself.

and have its filmmaker testimonials

Posted by Susanne Ault on June 6, 2008 | Comments (0)

Industries: High-Def

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